
I really love go karting at those casual gokart facilities like K1 Speed. They’re not a substitute for pro-karts by any means but they are a ton of fun and I get a lot of time for my money. It’s always interesting to see who shows up, too; I can usually beat my IT coworkers but run mid pack with real enthusiasts, and

Women can fly jet fighters, I think they can handle F1.

The article could have been a lot shorter, but this summary is the key point.

This is very well-written, and you make excellent points. However, I’m afraid there’s something working against you, and that is that you are clearly a made-up imaginary person. Your bio claims you are a 19-year old professional racing driver and musician and Harvard student who also works full-time at a biotech firm,

to be honest, (and I will rely on some generalizations here) many/most women are smaller in physique (whilst still being strong in muscle to body mass type measurements) than most of their male counterparts. When thinking of race car packaging, and #AddLightness it makes sense to have a strong fit woman than a strong

Murdered out is all black including well everything.

Aside from the fact that the grid girls block my view of the cars, which should be a felony, it’s not as simple as “they’re willing participants and therefore it’s OK.”

The US isn’t a democracy, it’s an oligarchy

I never played GTA Online but I feel like there’s a whole other game there I’ve never seen.

Sounds like a perfect time to switch to Grid Dogs!

This is an interesting post. I automatically recoiled at the busy nonsense of the Audi interior but obviously others think the minimal Model 3 is bad. I’m not clear why an electric car needs to have a dashboard that looks like the starship Enterprise. It stinks of marketing teams that don’t understand the market and

But that is exactly what people have been saying for years. That is what they all said when the stock was at $75. That’s what they said when it was at $100. And $150. And $200.

Short sellers have been bashing TSLA for years, and they have been on losing side of that argument time after time. There have been plenty of them since well before the stock even hit $100 a share. They want bad publicity around the company, so they can stop getting burned on their bad investments.

See “Filed to:” at the top of the post.

YES. Talking to the creator, he definitely didn’t mean it that way, but it’s such a common thing that really does hurt perception. Monster Energy Girls, grid girls. It’s like we’re little playthings.

Shit like this gives me cancer.

Yeah. There is now quite clearly nothing that the Republican base considers unacceptable any more. They are beyond tribal now in their mentality.

I was thinking the same thing. Trump showing basic human decency to a non-rich brown person would be about the only thing to really rock his base.

Urine for a rude awakening if you don’t think it’s true

The evo? Japanese market evo’s did have a front lsd going all they way back to the evo IV.