Brandon Jackson

Looks like they took the stuff from the main game and DLC of SR3, threw them together with a new story and a few new weapons etc and are calling it Saints Row 4...which isn't terrible as that was a fun game! Hell they're basically doing that with (however with new locations) in Dead Island Riptide so it seems Deep

This and ZombiU aren't enough to make be buy a WiiU, but they're close. I only plan to buy one next gen system and so far its the PS4...however if a couple more games like this come out for the WiiU, I may get it as a fun bedroom system.

Really, cause I spent $20 on the game and have no problem with the DLC since I loved the game.

They have weapons the size of a human fist that do twice as much damage than that now...

Hey in the end I got to live out my inner William Shatner and make it with a hot alien chick. They can't take that away from me.

I understand what happens and while I've avoided exactly what happens, I know the general point of the outrage. However, the journey and the universe has been what this story has been about to me and I don't really care about Shepard himself.

The PSP was the main reason I don't want a Vita as I never played it. These stories only help to fuel my not wanting one. Maybe when the PS4 comes out it'll be a true companion that I can use to play PS4 when I'm on the road...

See that's the great part with no having played ME3 yet, knowing more DLC was on the way I wanted to wait and do it all at once. I have the ME3 Collector's Edition but haven't touched it yet, knowing there would be tons of DLC. So for me, the story isn't over yet and when this comes out I'll download it and get

What law dictates that inflation has to take place? I always hear people talking about how things aren't so bad (mostly when talking about the economy) because of inflation this and inflation that. The problem is, less people are making money right now and those that are, are typically making less money.

I agree I want a great story but I also feel like your above example about Killzone is a bad example. Sure he made mention that there is more room to develop characters but that didn't mean he would be showing that here. This was basically a promo to sell an action game to Fallon's audience, whom they feel are within

That's a fair point but I also know this may sound crazy...but some people are just trolls with nothing better to do than to crap on other things to make themselves feel better. They could have read it and then decided they weren't interested and move on...yet they wanted to make a post in order to try to stir more

A couple years ago I suggested a way to make the PSN more of a social experience and these screens are pretty much how I imagined it...I was going to do a mockup up then I got busy. Im sure if I looked hard enough I could find the forum post I made.

Sure seems like you spent the time to read and comment on something that you're "not interested."

Really, if you think about it, watching this isn't any different than those folks who like reality tv or shows like Duck Dynasty. It has some element that you're interested in (in this case, Video Games) and that's what makes this character interesting and relatable to you. They like games, you like games. I don't

The better ones, the ones that gain attention, truly are entertainers. They add more to the show than just them playing a game. They put their own commentary into it and some of them are pretty entertaining. It reminds me of my friends, they would come over when the new GTA came out or some other epic single player

Ain't nobody got time for this...

Its never "dumb" to buy something if you have a want and use for it. I mean if you wanted to play NES games in the original format, even though you can get Roms and a Classic controller for your PC or Mac, if you want to sit there with a NES console and play it on your TV then go for it.

I think the real reason is that the Wii was a fad and they were hoping to catch lightening in a bottle twice. The non-gamers who got a Wii only got it to use like you do one of those late night TV Plug-n-play fun for a few minutes systems. I'd say a majority of Wii owners don't have anything other than the games that

Actually the ending was what made me wait initially and so I started playing something...then right when I'm about to start I hear of more I play more and even now, I finished up Kingdoms of Amalur, started playing Far Cry 3 (almost started ME3) and was putting ME3 on my "next" list until I just read about

I've actually held out on ME3 even though I got it shortly after release, for this specific reason. Its been tough but with my massive backlog I think it's doable.