Brandon Jackson

From what I understand, iOS games (and Android games) are easier to develop for and usually require a smaller team than the Vita and other hand-held games. I could be wrong, but it always sounds like teams are smaller in iOS developed games. If anything I'm guessing this is a test market for them to see if Borderlands

Thanks, you're pretty much the only one who got my point. I don't hate the sequels but everyone needs time to take it in before jumping to the next thing. Funny to think now that the game's out I barely hear about it and its all about the next Assassin's Creed game etc...which a week after its out we'll not hear about

The sequel idea isn't the turnoff for me, its the fact that the game hasn't been out a week yet and we're already asking for a sequel. I love franchises. Uncharted, Resistance, Killzone, Assassin's Creed etc. I love getting to continue and grow in a world I know and recognize. I just want us as a whole to take a step

Sorry if it seemed like a an attack or something it wasn't, I was at work and had to type it quickly. I do enjoy hearing that developers are interested in the world they built. My issue is with us, the consumers grabbing him immediately after he releases the first one, before they can really take in the criticisms of

Lol, way to take what I said and blow it way out of context. I'm in web design and development. I know exactly what it takes. However after I finish a website, I don't immediately look at it and say "now the next time I redo this site I'm going to..." No I usually move on to another project with what I learned on this

Haven't played it yet but barring any huge bug reports I'm excited to do so. However, talking about a sequel only 3 days after a game's release? This is my one big turn-off for gaming, its all about the hype these days. Big build-up for a game, it gets released and then the next day its like "ok so whats the next big

Oh yeah, my girlfriend hates that I play video games...luckily we don't live together yet...

So now there's this, Walking Dead Ep 4 and Retro City Rampage (which I'll probably have to wait on as well as Dishonored) out today. I still haven't finished my first Borderlands 2 playthrough and I have to finish a project for a client tonight...I wish I hated game sometimes, either that or I was rich and could just

I LOVED the old Ninja Turtles game for the NES but this was by far my least favorite part. I think I had to wait a year or two until I was older until I could beat the water part.

Everyone else is sharing their 2 cents, so I'll do the same. In my opinion the problem is that too many games are released. Spreads everyone too thin in this economy. I have 20 or so games in my backlog that I just haven't had the time to get to, most of them were purchased on a deal for $20 or so and have just sat

Maybe try some of the gaming glasses?

Wow...too bad 58 Studios went out of business. Funny Bethesda seems to be the only company that can't quite get their games right on the PS3...Not to mention that even on the PC and Xbox they produce one of the buggiest experiences I've ever played. Starting to lose my confidence in them. Luckily we have Sacred 3 on

At first PS+ wasn't that great. A few good cheap games but after the poll they ran they've started with this instant game collection and immediately the value has been more than worth it. I've also come to appreciate the discounts on games, specifically new games and DLC on day one release.

Oops, signed in to wrong account, the above was me.

Everyone is wrong if you're pointing to one or the other and saying they have it easier. This all falls into "the grass is always greener."

You know its funny. Gaming magazines are pretty much all killed by now from sites like Kotaku, IGN etc. Most of them tried to get online but were too late to the party and ended up being absorbed by the various other reporting sites around the web.

Trust me, I know adding a new mode isn't small work. I wasn't suggesting it was, but in most sports games they use the same engine year in and year out, that some work they do on a new year's game could theoretically be patched into a previous game. For example, when they added HRD to MLB the Show a couple years ago,

You know I agree with you but the answer you said, MONEY is exactly why they do it. They know they can get people to spend $60 every year on the next game (which I do only for MLB The Show).

@Debt-ridden Butler: Two parts, one the market of iPhone apps dicate games being $.99 - $5. Console games could be a lot cheaper but the market as create the $20 - $60 price for them.

@KingHippo: I see what you did there...