
*Technically, the Pirates clinched when the Cardinals closed out the Nats. But fuck technically.

It was really difficult for me to get what "Mrramen" was supposed to mean, then I realized it's a reference to a food that no one I know eats anymore, because we all have jobs and stuff.

FYI: It is 2013.

"Oi! Never mind that speech, waiter— where's my silverware, then?"

And here I thought Eli Manning's QB rating was the most grotesque single digit of the day.

As my two-year old says when he looks down at the team on the front of his shirt: "S! T! E! J! STEJ! STEJ! STEJ!"

Mine is better.

That's great, sky, but I'm pretty sure your product advertises itself.

Nah, I think they caught her curping. Cussing and burping at the same time.

No, man. That's the pre game Natural Light trying to escape.

This is SI's Genoa.

Because he coaches the Redskins.

Would you pass up nearly four percent of your salary for a superstition?

David Wright: [Views gif on iPad.]

Is there a rule that you have to bring a bat up to the plate?


Not on the list but arguably the best is Jamey Newberg. Like Brisbee, Newberg isn't a beat reporter by trade but his Newberg Report is the best stuff out there on all things Rangers (farm teams to the big league team).

As a middle-aged man with a relatively happy house hold - nice wife, children still in the house, my life has lost a lot of its excitement. My kids are great and all - love taking the daughter out to her soccer games and even to the mall. My son, however, is a different story. Always holed up in the house, no