
I have no problem with the missing third pedal. I do have a problem with price tag that equals three MX-5s. Or a V8 Mustang or Camaro plus an MX-5. Or an entry-level Bugatti desk.

Which is validated by the fact that nearly every vehicle over, say, 10,000 pounds is diesel-powered.

This. That's not to say short-shifting isn't good saves a lot of gas. But, yes, most people equate high revs with discomfort. And everyone wants to be comfortable.

Or maybe we should call it The Metroflexual.

We'll just call this the Lake Washington Technical Collage.

Are they sure he wasn't also on the Four Loko?

For every bad French car I can think of, there are 5 or 6 I remember that are awesome. Some of them are on both lists.

Did they go bankrupt? I always thought Matra's car business was just a side project of a big engineering conglomerate, kind of like Saab was and Mitsubishi is now.

What a great band name.

He had to do that. It was the only way to keep the seat clean.

True, true. The executive program to replace subways with Ferraris was a total failure, but it wasn't for lack of testing at the highest level.

The victim could have dodged this whole fight.

I'm with you. This thing looks like a stoplight terror, but I'd rather have a something a little tamer for experimenting with trailing throttle oversteer on public roads. Something lag-free, preferably.

I believe that's the "Guernica" edition C3.

Optional lettering for the front airdam: EVISNEPXE

It will be the same price as an M1.

Feathering is also Moss's word for it.

But Americans need the ground clearance to cope with decaying infrastructure. Federal deficit cap means no more new road projects ever. Eventually we'll all be driving hybrid Unimogs.