
I just checked the KBB value on my 10-year-old Saab and it's -$1,200. Does it make sense for me to buy?

Perhaps the U.S. will get the Golf GTI Edition 28?

I can't really see caring about any Riviera past 1973. Each has been a styling disaster in its own way.

This reminds me of all of the mothballed '76 Eldorados droptops that signaled the end of convertibles forever. This car helped ruin that investment. Still CP. though. Very few cars from '83 fetch five figures and this does not belong on the list.

1 is too cartoony to pass judgment on. The front-end is a little too Pagani (aka catfish-like)

I think he should call it the MGD.

Had a good look at these in Boston on 'hoods up' day. The Alfa 2900 MM got my vote as the one that looks to be the most fun to drive.

Actually, the brand is exactly what they're investing in. The Chinese thought there was value in MG, a brand far more seriously out-of-touch than Saab, and is now producing MGs for the English market again. Granted, these offerings appear to be the equivalent of a Korean car circa 1996, but I trust the parent company

Safety. But as a Saab driver, I would also have to say seating. For many years, they made seats in domestic cars look and feel something sourced from a discount furniture store. Better than most of the Germans, too, which for years decided that granite made for comfy seating. If you want mega-bolstering, look


Saab has other technologies (BioPower, diesel, turbo, Haldex AWD, NVH refinement, safety design, high-end plastics, Trionic, etc.) that are probably not under the direct control of GM anymore and would cost Hawtei considerable money and, more importantly, time to develop. No question that Saab's technology has now

It's a fake ML Brabus. The real thing is so heavy it goes neutron star on impact.

That's more like personal awesomeness. I prefer that design to almost any of Maserati's pre-de Tomaso efforts. The Islero is lot like it, but not quite as elegant.

3rd gear explains why there are no AMG White Series cars.

What on Earth have you been doing then? You're missing brefass scotch! You now have to double up on lunch scotch and may have to postpone afternoon break scotch to dinner scotch.

Cadillac's predictable and stodgy "Art and Science" design language should not be confused with Lincoln's concurrent, precocious "Bingo and Church" aesthetic.

What's different this time is that Jaguar waited until the recession hit first. I predict this will do okay as long they don't try anything totally impractical. The turbines would have been doom.

I agree on the XJ. Much more comfortable on the highway, too. The Mitsu 2-door/4-door of the 80s was well-engineered but rust was a problem. The Dodge version seemed a little less nice, but it was fair bit cheaper, I think. The chicken tax quickly killed the 2-door Montero in the U.S.