Good, Apple holds back technology worse than the Vulcan's held back the warp project...
Good, Apple holds back technology worse than the Vulcan's held back the warp project...
Anyone else notice in the video for the barrier vehicle arrestor there is guy hiding pulling the barrier down when it first says electronic actuator. LOL
Uh, so not angry birds lol
Searching google for "Searching Google on Google" didn't kill the intarwebs, it showed me the result google.... You lie!!! :(
@veronykah: you cant eithanize your kids though...
@Cheevocabra: hahhaha i thought of this instantly
@foxh8er: Right now Telus in Canada charges a $5/month service fee for using your Xbox360 as a set top box for it's version of U-Verse. It's apparently a licensing fee for MediaRoom
Xbox iptv service is already available, It's microsoft MediaRoom, and is available to Canadian customers of Telus which has it's OptikTV (same as AT&T U-verse. i know because I use it, here's a link: []
It will located....
They're not lieing, the pilot has his fingers crossed
It would be great if they could use something like this to convert the kinetic enegy of the wall into power...
I used this app twice, had the song "Show me your genitals" by Jon LaJolie playing in the background... quite effective...
Free hangover with every glass
Were they holding the instruments wrong and lost signal?
Works for me in Canada... Which btw is a sore point for me. If I can watch NBC CBS and the rest on my tv I should be able to access it online...
On a sad note it's sad to see the shuttle program end. Will we be sending people to the ISS aboard the Virgin Galaxy?
Its here for you to review... pretty much the same, but 3 hours earlier... []
I'll find it for you,
Its #smartphones not #smartphoens