
@skulyk: LOL, I was wondering about that car too.

@Live N Learn: Same with China. Don't twitter, don't go to jail!

The future, it has arrived.

@MrGrinch: Great movie with one of the best jet fighter sequences I have seen to date. On the other hand, I'm sure the launcher would totally disintegrate the football on impact.

You know what's tacky? Taking pictures of products on top of a distracting Gizmodo shirt.

@Live N Learn: You obviously don't get my point. How screwed will YOUR life be if you had to pay the $1.5 million fine? More than a year's worth of screwedness I will imagine.

@RainyDayInterns: If everyone thought like you then nobody would take any action.

@smcallah: Well I suppose if you crashed and ended up behind enemy lines, you wouldn't want a mobile tracker on you broadcasting your location to everybody either.

@Live N Learn: That's 1 year only. How many years is it going to take you to pay of that $1.5 million fine? Hmm?

@William Bell: I'm sure there's a tracker on the ejection seat but not on the pilot.

@Adam: @irishman-AARGH!: I have read the story. But to those who have not, I feel like it is making people think that the whole car is worth $500. That's it.

@Live N Learn: Regardless. It's a big fine. Which you seem to think is justifiable. By your standards. But going to jail for 1 year is 'too much'.

@Live N Learn: Just like you don't see anything ridiculous with fining people tens of thousands of dollars for stealing 1 song, China doesn't find it ridiculous to send someone to jail for Twitting - a site that should not have been accessed by law to begin with.

@TuxBobble: Thank you. Someone with an unbiased opinion!

@irishman-AARGH!: Exactly. Doesn't that make the $500 pretty irrelevant?

@RainyDayInterns: Sorry, but that sounds way more cowardly than putting a note on the windshield. At least by leaving a note, you are letting the person know that he/she is parking like an asshole.

Should we really still be using the "$500" phrase when there is obviously way more equipment put on the car?