
Don't get me wrong, I love the design but I feel like all major auto manufacturers are slowly creeping towards looking like an Aston Martin.

Crack pipe.

@Yazim: Doesn't answer my question but sure, privatizing the TSA would be an idea but corporate businesses are also subject to the same incentives to cut costs at all...costs.

@Roggin: Thanks :) Not that bad eh?

@ttyymmnn: Would you be willing to pony up all the extra money needed to make them 'professional'?

@tonyola: In Nazi Germany, a lot of people got shot. Too.

@Roberto G.: Have you worn them before? Guess not. Thanks for sharing your opinion.

Soooo more box and more wagon....y?

Always works:

Looks like a ford!

@Weiner: But you have a crappy interior :)

How much is it gonna cost?

@BrtStlnd: Looks like the Mazda Shinari

It seems like all it has is speed. The ride seems really mild compared to Kingda Ka where it has a straight drop down:

Driving a Mustang alright!

Hey hey, I loved my Minidisc player!


Does she prefer the scanner or the pat down?