@Stimpack Junkie: Try using hotkeys.
@Stimpack Junkie: Try using hotkeys.
@AwokeKnowing: Nothing beats a well thought out, innovative strategy (i.e. playing mind games with the other player), which an AI is unable to do.
@Joe_Kickass: They only cheat on the hardest AI difficulty.
@TouchMyMonkey: I'll give you that yes :)
@MistyGanado: google it.
@darkanimematt: Village watchman, not idiot :)
@tasteskindasalty: Happens here in the States too, so what's your point?
@RabidTurtl: Commenting on crimes that occur in other countries from the point of view of a typical American is in of itself very cliche.
@buckleyneko: I would disagree, you still need a good strategy.
@Worf: Awesome link! Thanks for sharing :)
what I don't even...
Heavy-tech or tech-heavy?
@ingolstadt: Why would someone buy an SUV when they are looking for a compact?
@electricarchie: So what happened to getting the GTI?
@powermatic: @ppiddy: a CAMRY!? you guys are not worthy of stars. If someone is first starting out driving, they may not know what is out there and they can't possibly go read a review for every single car. Just because they ask doesn't mean that they don't care. They ask because they care.
@superveloce: most cars.
@TouchMyMonkey: Your stock civic handles like it's on rails? uhh...really.
So with the trillions in bailout money, we could've ended world hunger...OR built a 200-year starship to another planet!? #@!$#$^%$&%^&@$
@willyolio: If we can develop a FTL starship in 50 years, we are a helluva smarter than what I expected.
@muhnkee_2 - Avantime Owner and 100% Jaloper: nice save :)