@Jebro: No but the writer didn't comment on how bad the car is at making pancakes either.
@Jebro: No but the writer didn't comment on how bad the car is at making pancakes either.
@Wunno Sev: Electric cars are definitely the way to go. Can't wait until everybody is driving a Tesla on the road, it's gonna be great.
@Prismatist steers with his right foot: Most vehicles nowadays already have computers on-board.
Kinda limits how much hooning you can do with it though when you have a nuke riding in the back. Shame.
@ciscokidinsf: no. no, he killed himself.
@Engineerman: what? what does this have to do with a helicopter crash?
@Slickster The Man: Wow, you really thought that it WASN'T chopped? Wow.
@syrn: If the police did start beating people with a night stick, maybe people will start to learn to slow down. Isn't that what speeding tickets are supposed to do? I guess they don't work too well then and some alternate punishment is needed.
@jon_daniels: You are taking it out of context. I don't think anyone here will agree with you that going above the speed limit is on the same level as evading the police. Nice try though.
@lobuzz311: especially when it's used as a cop car.
@4 cam torino: A third this. I totally agree. This would not pass a safety inspection so what's the point?
@syrn: Doesn't matter, he still broke the law and so deserves a beating. How about I punch you in the face and then give myself up by lying on the ground? Are you going to let me go? I thought not.
Yes he did give himself up but that doesn't mean that he still didn't deserve a beating for leading the cops on a chase. I don't see anything wrong with what the cops did.
@Fubarius et Fraggum: Stop being so technical. If the reporter described the robber as a 'cracker', no one would know what the fuck he was talking about.
@Bs Baldwin: maybe you should stop playing everything safe once in a while. Be a hero, not a zero.
The robber was a hack, not what the manager pulled.
@stoke: Totally my thoughts. Thanks.
@gm0n3y: So how much do you think it's gonna cost?
I don't understand why everyone is comparing it to the STi when it's not even an AWD vehicle, let alone with LSD and all that. And talking about aesthetics, I personally think the Evo is butt ugly but to each his own.