@ripdash: They didn't hack the CIA.
@theose is nominal: Yay someone who knows what they're talking about. I've waiting years for you.
Isn't it about time people learn to tonemap properly? Jesus.
It seems you know nothing about who these people actually are.
@elchimpo: But makes great lulz.
Proxies. If you're smart about proxies you can never be caught.
They're going to end up in a Federal Pound-Me-in-the-Ass Prison
Great journalism.
@ManiacalShen: You're so romantic.
@firesign3000: All ISPs will have data caps within 2 years. Have fun
@comics0026 - Now on ca.Gizmodo.com: You mean they're both overrated? Yes...yes you're right.
First target: LulzSec
He had a breakdown and left for Africa. Stories range from stress of the job to avoiding an assassination plot.
@m4ximusprim3: Okay everyone. Back off. m4ximussprim3 says its just a joke. Call the whole thing off.
"Offered up by Think Geek, wielding the foam pickaxe screams I HAVE NO FRIENDS AND I DON'T REALLY CARE TO MAKE ANY"
Anon, principled? Are you okay?
@SGTjuice82: Attention. Probably ugly white kids with acne that got picked on a ton. Now they feel like they have power.