
It's technology related because some technology comes from Japan. Sir, I concede the point. Your argument is flawless

Technology and gadget blog related how?

This makes no sense...the Ocean next the reactor is 7.5 million times the legal limit.

"Why normal people prefer tablets over full, powerful computers? Why should we change when, what we have now works just fine?

This is a real shitty idea.

Wow lets take people that are unhappy and trying to improve their lives and make them even more miserable.

This is completely understandable. Appstore has App in it which is 60% of Apple.

Well yeah, but you get my point. Is having 14 products really necessary for a larger store?

Why does it need to be bigger?

@flopex: ya seems kinda loud

Damn, I thought they finally shut down 4chan. Oh well.

@Curves: have sex 5 times a day? That sounds too hard.

"And yet so true. America is, as with many things, one of few first world nations who has a wide and public distrust and under-utilization of nuclear energy."

@LazLong: "Americans as a whole"

Crime: Caused 30 seconds of frustration on the part of the vehicle that pulled over

@mac_daddy: More than the people who made the bomb?

I think someone needs to look up the definition of Apocalypse.

My entry level dslr has video. Who doesn't know the 5d does?