
@FlyingAvocado: Look at this man's face. Does he look insincere to you?

Are you kidding me...

My fingers =(

@Unknown2U: Having a star doesn't mean I have to agree with everything the staff does.

The F word has no place in the title of an article.

@GC: This is AMERICA!

He's back surfing /b/ and will commit another crime in another month or so.

@sudo rm -rf /: How is it gambling if your skill determines your long term gain?

And that's why I play poker.

Sure is fear mongering around here.

@FriarNurgle: ? It's the generation behind the 4g. Why wouldn't they?

It better shoot HDR video. Why else would an HDR photo be in the viewfinder?

I read this as "Is Google Building an NSFW Payments System For Phones?"

I use skype because I can use skype.

Wooo! I love asus!

@AdrianoBatista: I would venture to say that people who think these things work don't really care that much for science.