
@baneyu: "no matter how much physics they add to it"

@bigtimes: Hahaha. I was going to reply to you and say how ignorant you were,'re right.

@8oardR1der: Nope. I will never buy another apple product because of Steve Job's reply.

Oh, so that's how you get reception

@:negated:: Yeah, cause I'm sure this machine never breaks and never needs cleaning.

Bare Grip, not Care Grip


I changed the hue to teal in photoshop, now I like it =D

@jellyandtoast: They shouldn't quit until it's fixed, in my opinion.

@flying_chairs: Errr, when did I say I was an Apple troll? I own an iPhone. I'm just saying that most consumers only care about aesthetics.

@dallasmay: Um? Everyone is going to care that it's pretty. That's the only thing consumers care about.

I liked this on facebook.

Shouldn't have to jailbreak it for it to work on 3gs.

Why would you jump off a building with safety nets if you were suicidal?

Protip: People don't pay for porn anymore.

Another giant leap backwards for the "Bloggers are journalists" movement.

Spoiler: It has.

"3D PC gaming? Even more obscure to me"

@kavka: Self-fulfilling prophecy on both of our parts?