
No Macross for you.

It doesn’t look *bad* from this trailer though.

Valve probably doesn’t even exist. It’s just a collective figment that gains the attributions of actual projects through an unspoken system of assent.

Yeah it was a bot shooter with the occasional Rare/Elite NPC like Vader, Fett, Yoda, etc.. Kind of like Battlefield with a # of NPC’s to kill before you win/lose.

David Miscavige is only an inch taller than Danny DeVito. What kind of serious threat could he really be? ;)

I just treat women like other people and it seems to work pretty well.

Except that it's actually a shit load of fun.

Wow, 2 minutes of optional dialogue with an NPC is being "beaten over the head with it"

This isn't exactly beating you over the head with it; the conversation options are there if you care, if you don't care it looks like you can continue the game without ever finding out.

But they are not beating you over the head with it. It's a character that is just there, who's personal narrative is interesting and different than yours.

Being a man or being a women are delusions either way as they are socially constructed concepts. Anyone with half a dim bulb in their head can be a man or a woman.

I for one would sacrifice 1080p for a durable machine.

Because you know what Titan's assests were, right? Guess they just slapped this together from used Titan assets and made a game quick quick for Blizzcon too, right?

if i paid for it YES THE FUCK I AM. But since nobody knows yet we'll just wait it out.

But getting it to run on the Wii U would have obviously been too hard ._.

I think we need to ask the bigger question here...

Am I the only one who misses the realism elements from Far Cry 2 (not the whole Malaria bullshit)? Those really added to the game and helped make it more tense (there was nothing like your gun jamming in the middle of a firefight while you desperately try to mend it).

To be fair, maintaining a good steady frame rate has a significant impact on gameplay.

This is the worst generation gaming has ever seen.