
very good.

quick! name all the members of the band U2 and what instruments they play

As a Russian agent I believe. I'm sure I heard this

Matt Rhys is on this year

Maybe for the Shiva.

Was going to complain about your grading, Dennis but you are correct in it ending abruptly. Good review, thanks.

Good ref

Spiral eyes is smart and is greatly misinterpreted by the reviewer. Everything in the show is based around Josh's perspective. Its how it appears to him. I get it.

Was else anyone expecting flashbacks to Danny DeVito in Cuckoo's Nest?


this review is pretty late too

FX gave it more exposure than this has

Great ep! Loved the whole War Room sequence. Where are all the commenters?

they spelt his name wrong in the credits! I nearly lost it at how inside baseball all the Zach Braff jokes were.

Brooks Whelan sighting in the wild

this marketing has not been going on for THAT long.

There was a clip like 2 weeks ago.

Its his voices

Hey what's that pullup bar doing in my doorway…

I was saying goodbye to Tommy at a screening in March and Tommy grabbed me by the hood, putting it up to my head. He whispered in my ear that I looked good like this and leaned on my shoulders really hard for a photo, I nearly fell over. He so threw a free pair of underwear in my face that same day