
His essays are pretty damn good.

Is there a movie in these Trilogies for a good editor to make? Because I'm waiting on that.


Best Prison Break, Guardians.

I just don't want this to be the streaming version, but it will be

You know the Panda movies are good right?

We don't even own a TV at our house. We read BOOKS.

Serial is This American Life, that's some serious value.

I hear downloading a free podcast is an incredibly high barrier to cross.

There are many wonderful comics you should pick up. The new Bat-Girl is great, as is Gotham Academy. Rat Queens, Bitch Planet… god, so many.

Your point?

Oh, Paige was so freaking hot.

Comment Comment Comment

Marks for Taran Wanderer, which was the first fantasy book I ever read.

Completely forgot that. Thanks!

Oh, I get that it was put under Adaptation Category for that very reason.

I love most of his work, but I'll never understand how he got an oscar for best adapted screenplay for Virginia Woolf, when he only changed a few words from Albee's play. It's the only black mark on his sterling career.

And Bill Shakespeare. What a hack.

You make it sound easy. This isn't a fucking slot machine paying off.

I can name dozens of wonderful artists working on superhero books. You sound uninformed.