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The timing of the clip makes it look a lot worse than it actually is:

Ditch the pump and use starting fluid to pressurize the system.

“why is everyone running” hahahaha

If I got a waterjet part of that quality, I would return it.

Damn internet. I was curious about the hat as well and so I google image searched it. Also listed in the images was a picture of this hat:

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I wonder how much money it took him to get to this level.

I remember reading on a backyard-ballistics type forum that alcohol and other types of slow burning fuel wont pressurize any greater than 40 PSI when ignited in a closed chamber. Maybe it was 60 PSI.. It’s been a while since I made a spud gun and was researching these things. But I still wouldn’t feel comfortable

Thanks.. I just wasted an hour on ADHD.

I wonder how they adhere the vegan interior..

@1:40 reminds me: I had a commodore 64 at the age of 6. Very few had one, while my school bought one for every classroom. When the teacher struggled to load a program in front of the class, I raised my hand and was called up to help out. Shortly afterwords, I was tested to see if I was gifted. As delighted as my folks

Gonna be awesome if Trump does well in Florida:

Hmm.. Lemons must be more common up north than one might think. Maybe I could make some money up there..

Step it up a notch and place riders on the boards..

Damn you internet. I had an idea to share until I was sidetracked with endless selfie stick photos...

I think his job is to share video in the evening hours when people are done thinking and need down time. So why not hit them with gobbledygook and video? It satisfies the masses and pays the bills.

Maybe you could help me out on a recent issue I have been having. I’m using PowerDirector 11 and have been overlaying two 20gb+ videos in the timeline to produce short video. Recently, I have tried to edit 3 at the same time and my PC says no. It’s a Quad Core AMD A8-Series APU A8-5500 3.20GHz with 8gb of ram(ddr3

I feel better now..

Just imagine if you were riding one of those while vaping.

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Funny vid. Reminds me of a skit from a long time ago:

A while back I bought a couple containers of solder paste. But I had an issue with laying down the paste without a template. So I tried to liquefy it with acetone, but the lead was too heavy in the solution and would clump up in the syringe. I also tried using liquid paste. It would lay down nicely, but would pop and