
I remember way back when I downloaded at over 25mbps and could upload at 7mbps (verizon in Portland), before everyone else jumped on the band wagon. Now get off my lawn.

Place that video in a booth with a quarter slot on the outside and t.p. inside and there's a little money to be made on the side.

Let's see what they can do with these.

"Seems hard to believe that @Facebook could be worth that much—be careful if you invest. And Mark Zuckerberg—get a pre-nup."

With Cloud services, I'm not sure if we will need to go much faster with our phones. They will definitely have to figure out the bandwidth issues before we can have our games streamed over the air, while their servers do all the heavy number crunching.

One of my favorite episodes. ❤

If I were to run face first into Mike Tysons fist, I would wear those.

Now it needs thrust vector control to make it around the corners faster.

It's so easy to step on ones toes around these parts.

Sweet. Because I wore out my scissors.

At first glance, I wondered how you could empty yourself all the way and still have room for your foot.

Those fish are overfed. Even in my inebriated state, they still seemed slow to bite.

And it matches s.s.

Aww man... As if getting over the first morning wood wasn't bad enough..

I dunno about you folks, but when I read Dad and belt, I felt a little squeamish.

If it involves more than my attention span will allow after a half rack and a bunch of duct tape, I'm out.

I'm thinking that Kyle was going that direction.

If you do, please weed out the pervs. Unless you plan to make so much money that you can pay off the patrons.

Correcting people because you are butthurt or have no opinion is no way to go. Grow a pair and speak up.