
I would have to be pretty drunk.

Great photo. LOL

Wow... This lady is patient. I pulled this from her site as well.

Those things can be complicated if you've had too much to drink.

Ditch the boxes and add a wing suit to this one.

Is that why I keep winning a $1000 Walmart gift card?

Do you need a bigger tv? No, move your couch closer.

I'm not sure about that... I searched for Mt. Everest and it showed me a restaurant in Illinois.

I could make it up there for alot less than the cost of a Porsche.

I see where this is going.

Exactly. Safety is always to be upheld by the sub and ultimately the person. The generals and owners can shut down unsafe acts. They cannot force anyone to do anything unsafe in OSHA's eyes. That's where the courts come in handy if things get nasty. I found the frontline video: []

I knew you were going to say that.

That's great that you like stuff. And you missed the point of my comment stating that I am contempt with my system which represents the functionality of all those machines.

Thanks for that.

I just snorted milk out of my nose.

I found a related timeline chart.

I think your on to something.