
I bet superman doesn't feel so special now.

I guess if your cool with plasticizers floating around in your food, go for it.

"How to Build A Chembuster to Disperse Chemtrails

I think she got hung-up on the steering wheel while he was tossing her onto the side of the road. I'm sure we've all had those close calls.

That would be a long extension cord, connected to my thunderbolt.

I feel like a fool. I watched it twice.

Did you notice the article mentioned nothing about a lawsuit?

I tried to find it on [] but got this: The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.

If we could pull another trailer behind that trailer while my toothless cousin holding my beer is sitting on it, I'm game.

"BoA screwed me pretty bad ..." They are not the only ones out there that flip your transactions around for their benefit. I was hammered by West coast bank pretty hard.

How about they hold up to their end of the deal. They sure like to throttle my grandfathered unlimited data plan from time to time.

When a guy/gal has to work their way through a match-up, we dont know who is going to win until the end. On the other hand, since we are voting on things we like, we know which one is going to win. So why dont we just vote on our favorite item?

Are those the Megabucks numbers from last night?

Door to the future of fat america. (ya know, for wide buttocks)

Based on the recommended THX viewing distance (36 degree viewing angle) at 9 miles away, your monitors would have to be roughly 300" screens. I would recommend going to a higher resolution.

Damn.. They have a lot of lawsuits coming up, looking at the list of character names:

Yeah... I overfed my fish once.

All those years of hard work... And for what? So I can play CityVille when I get home.

And I'm sure that Apple will sue them on a remote patent infringement.

Soo... Do some before and after photos of being married.