
..... I am referencing your last sentence, “Can’t wait to just sit there shooting Reins shield while they shoot ours with no alternative strat to counter it.” There are other strategies to counter it. That is the best part about this game. There are no “unflankable” positions that are pivotal when it comes to moving

I am surprised you encounter this problem. I seem to have the opposite happen to me fairly often. I will be sent sprawling into the air with minimal damage because a Reinhardt didn’t hit me directly.

No alternative strat? Try flanking with Tracer or Reaper, or fly above with pharah and break up the group with a concussive missle, or sneak behind them and use the hack ability of Sombra. There are tons of counters to a Reinhardt shield at a chokepoint. I actually love to see people go for this simplistic defensive

You are diluting the win for Trump as our president with your statements. You make it seem like he won by pure luck and laziness of the democrats in the US instead of the stances he took and the issues he raised with the problems we currently have in our government. You are also assuming everything is black and white.

Your assumption that I am a liberal shows you’re an imbecile. I am actually a registered republican and hold mostly conservative ideals. Voting for Hillary doesn’t make me a liberal just like voting for Trump doesn’t make you a racist. The fact that you think everything is so black and white is sad. There are a

Haha, I’m not upset, I’m sad for your stupidity and ignorance. It is funny how you were just destroyed by logical reasoning.

This has got to be the hottest take I have seen about the election yet.... You’re right, people in Michigan did not vote for Hillary because they felt secure she would win. Instead of voting, they just sat at home drinking a nice scotch whiskey because they believed their vote was not necessary.... It has nothing to

Please enlighten us on why you believe your statement to be true?

Signing a disclaimer makes no sense with the example I gave. You can’t sign a disclaimer that states, “If someone else hits me and it is their fault, they are not liable for compensative and punitive damages for the injuries I incur due to the lack of safety equipment in my vehicle.” That isn’t how insurance

You are absolutely neglecting the affect it will have on automobile insurance industry. I know you will say, but the premiums can be adjusted for people who purchase cars without the necessary safety equipment. That isn’t how it works. For example, I buy a car with all the necessary safety equipment and end up hitting

What sane football fan would not want Bill Belichick as their coach? Do you even watch football man? He is arguably the best coach ever in the NFL. You must be eating paint chips with a statement like that.

I don’t know if other people ran into the same complication I did, but I dropped ESPN from my channel line up about 2 months ago because Comcast are a bunch of scam artists. They take a look at their channel packages every year and see what specific channel has the most overlap between the most purchased packages.

Here is a much better comparison.....

If I could only give this more than one star! I am having a tough time not laughing out loud at my desk right now.

Yes you’re right, there is no difference between someone choosing their gender identity, which is different than their biological make up, and someone being biologically born as a different race and being treated poorly because of it. **Facepalm** at such a terrible comparison.


I am a little confused here.... What would be the benefit of EA Sports making cards/players weaker than they should be in FUT? I don’t get where the whole, “EA Sports did this on purpose” is coming from.