Besides not going to the border, what has she been doing since March? It seems like nothing has happened since Biden’s speech.
Besides not going to the border, what has she been doing since March? It seems like nothing has happened since Biden’s speech.
Tiger sexual harassers?
Federal authorities and/or local authorities need to start throwing people in jail and enforcing a no-fly list.
I just hope we’re fucking with the Russians as much as they do to us.
Hopefully they’ll also go after him for being a traitor.
Does she sell sweady ball candles?
Wait, was Adrianna in Bridesmaids? That shitting under wedding dress scene is great.
Marge Greene: Unequivocal evidence that no matter how ugly a person may be on the outside, they can always be even uglier on the inside.
Couldn’t they just duct tape that? Maybe use some green duct tape if they want to get fancy.
Conservatives don’t trust their fellow Americans and assume everyone is trying to steal from the government.
Hey, Trump, you fucking douchebag! Have any elections stolen lately?
Hopefully Dick will arrange for McCarthy to have an “accident”. McCarthy doesn’t seem to understand the dark forces he’s dealing with.
Tesla seems to have ruined SolarCity:
Hail Hydra!