Operation Quietly Leave NBC
Operation Quietly Leave NBC
Yes for mercy flush!
Exactly. It’s just that the Jet’s evil owner is incompetent. I’d rather have competent evil owners.
He should have just declared bankruptcy, but he probably wouldn’t have been able to keep gambling like accustomed to after bankruptcy. So he tried ponzi scheme. Wow, he’s screwed.
In addition to sucking, they also choke.
How the hell is she going to pay for her meth!
Jesse Watters is a shithead.
I wonder why he married her. She doesn’t seem smart or talented. And not really a great trophy wife. Munchkin’s a producer so you think he could have gotten a better looking trophy wife.
number 3: use 2 towels. one for initial dry off and place on floor. second for final dry off, shave. Then hang towels and eventually wash with bleach (white towels of course).
Danny Ainge: a.) great GM or b.) the greatest GM?
Cool, 2017 prices for 1970's tech. Dust off the old tooling.
I got to watch episode again, but it seemed like the zombies killed at least 2 of Jon’s party: It’s like they added no-names to Jon’s party in middle of battle just so the zombies could kill someone.
Grifters gonna grift.
Try it on a cat first to make sure it works. You don’t want to make a bunny suffer if you don’t have to.
Can’t wait for him to play for Red Sox.
Eric Bollingis a fucking creep. Realistic damages for him would be $19.95 plus S&H.
Once again crime pays!