I’ve never been to Seattle but of course have heard how great it is and it's always in the top of US city ratings. I have a serious question: how can a city with so much rain be so great?
I’ve never been to Seattle but of course have heard how great it is and it's always in the top of US city ratings. I have a serious question: how can a city with so much rain be so great?
To get a half decent haircut?
Was that picture taken after Obama farted?
Oh, Rhode Island wants their money back.
Curt you are my hero. Thank you for sacrificing all and putting your family in the poor house even though you really didn’t have and no one needed you to. You are a legend (in your own mind). Please continue your self sacrifice through Facebook (you delusional idiot).
Wow, what a colossal downfall. I think it must be some sort of mental issue on his part. I’m really surprised that Huma hasn’t divorced him because he probably does not have any sort of professional future. Except maybe standup.
I love Mr. and Mrs. Pres.
It must also be tough for Nissan dealers because the new Maxima is butt ugly. I don’t see many of the new Maximas on the road and assume sales are not that good.
I thought it was because the dragons can’t act for shit.
No he can get more public assistance through unemployment benefits.
They must be using the play book from the Trump Art of the Deal.
Cool! Where can I send my money?
Cool! Where can I send my money?
Why is Hillary wearing a Star Trek uniform?
Boston should be #1 since its the hub of the universe rte 495.
New York sucks!
And how the hell is Baltimore ranked higher than Boston? Have you seen the Wire?!?
Boston should be higher just for the access to beaches, lakes and mountains.
How the hell is Baltimore and Oakland ranked higher than Boston?!?