
Not abominable. This was driven by need. Having worked in CIC and covert ops over the years I can tell you that, while sometimes seemingly deplorable on the surface, they are NOTHING compared to the nightmares they prevent. Trust me, you'll sleep better not knowing what could have happened if operations like these

I hate prequels of pretty much every kind. Particularly the X-Men films as the continuity is such a horrible mess. Here's hoping for a complete reboot of the X-Men universe in X-Men: Apocalypse!!

I LOVE this movie!! In my very humble opinion, better than The Avengers!

I, too, am from the 'Boonies of New Hampshire' and can sympathize with this. I would get up at 5:45 to shower, shave and get dressed. Then gather up all of my various school necessities to make the school bus by 6:15 (usually closer to 6:20 - 6:25) to make it to school by 7:15 and start classes at 7:30. After

This a show that cries out for a reboot!!

Never mind Cameron's Avatar, I want to know when we're going to get a decent live-action version of the OTHER Avatar! You know, that Last Airbender? THAT screams for a reboot!!

Wait, HeroClix is still a thing?