
You are moving up my literary crushes list.

I am more of a Grushenka from the Brothers K guy myself, I could see why Dmitri was so into her.

Yeah, I am with you on the asshole thing. Controlling assholes.

You of course must share this list now.

Case in point...

I think she looks like half of williamsburg.

You seem like a lot of fun.

Thanks will check that out.

I was sitting in the park one time having a smoke and this sweet little girl admonished me about it. Her immigrant dad was with her and obviously spoke no english whatsoever at all, he was just grinning that his friendly daughter was speaking with some Americans. Kid was about eight and was saying we shouldn't be

So get a flask and an ashtray.

This is kind of a silly exercise. The writers manage their own images. She isn't making any great statement by doing this and she makes herself look sillier than the writers. Except Ellis, but that is a given.

Cigarettes are very calming and writing can be tedious and frustrating. Writers tend to drink and smoke more than the general public.

Don't know why I clicked that.


What is the problem?

Someone poured some mimosas at Gawker headquarters and there was something shiny just outside the window, so everyone got distracted.