
Bakersfield is a methed out shithole as well. All the water probably went to cooking crank.. People who think CA is some paradise need to check out Bakersfield or Modesto or Fresno.

I have to find groovy short shorts or trunks on ebay. Most stores shortest shorts look stupid on my skinny legs. I love the seventies shorts styles for the gym but cannot find any anywhere.

You can go do yoga on a paddleboard in the bay when you come back!

It's definitely pretty cool. I am now living by Lake Tahoe and miss SF dearly but get back enough. I miss and love the fog. It is always easy to spot the tourists in the summer - they are the ones with no layers walking around in shorts and wife beaters.

If you are ever in the Bay Area, Dr Yogini, head down to Monterey and rent a kayak. You can go right out on Monterey Bay and see otters, seals, sea lions, dolphins sometimes. It's fucking awesome and hella cheap.

They have on fifth our population. BFD.

The kid doing the hip hop pose looks like every other sassy kid in every sitcom. Wonder if he would actually be listening to KRS One or Intelligent Hoodlum and reading some Franz Fanon or some other 90's smart kid tropes or if he will just be played like some Chigger.

Maybe if these talented folks were given better shit to say that could hold the camera for five minutes like that it would be more common.

What difference does it make why someone is ''holding out'' ? Peoples' preferences don't exist in a vacuum.

Umm, you don't have to think he's a genius or anything but he actually addresses shit like that continually throughout his work.

This kid was getting walloped with a belt buckle. Definitely was abuse.

Given a choice between the average English slag and a robot, I am all for the robot.

I actually have seen traps like that in action in PA. I used to volunteer with the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philly and we would support the state bear census. The sweets are to lure the bear in, but there is meat (horsemeat if I remember) in the back that will spring the trap. Some bears figure it out, like this

You can't just trap bears and kill them in most places. This guy is talking out his ass. That is a humane trap like park rangers use for census etc.

There was a pretty bad bully in our school. I was not too harassed by him but had no love for him.

I would inhale them gladly.

Courtney Love probably smokes menthols.

Even hover pissing one could forgive maybe but like - really you are going to wash your hands as soon as you leave the stall but you won't touch the handle on the toilet so you are going to break it with your foot?

You're still a cunt.

You are such a pathetic little terrier. Yap, yap, yap.