@Agrippa: Hey, that's ironic! Grats you're a hipster.
@Agrippa: Hey, that's ironic! Grats you're a hipster.
@luisj.eronimo: Be ashamed, you can't type.
@Samo: Well...it could work on japan...
@PoG: Just put an invisibleshield on it.
When i was little i disassembled our garage door opener's motor.
@jeepingeek: You're so cruel...
@AlienSix: 73.374
@AlienSix: Peppermint.
@Lübnah has an umlaut: Yes, because it's totally not obvious. Nope.
@AlienSix: Maybe that toothbrush runs on android.
@Natey: Hell, having all that's stuff so close to your manhood...
@FriedPeeps: Maybe the foxconn employees are in there...
@Samo: That's what she said?
@lensflare: Oh my god I remember that.
@Homerjay has ABSA Fever: D'awwww
@Allicks: No ur a poopiehead
@themightyspitz: I would've actually been less impressed. :P
@sam4sb: what firmware+baseband?
@Spartanical: Er, anyone that finds kids attractive probably needs to get on some kind of list somewhere.
@Arken: Hell, I'm cool with all of that.