Bryon (nerd)

I thought the same. Was wondering if anyone else remapped the buttons like me. Pro controller, A-Jump, B-Attack, X/Y-Special. Everything else default.

Apparently the incorrect cap cost happens when you move while trying to place your CAMP. If you cancel when you find a spot, then do it again without moving, it should charge the right amount.

Avoiding using a base entirely would be tough, and you’d really be shooting yourself in the foot, but you can be extremely minimalist and get all the benefits. Just dropping your CAMP someplace gives you a free fast travel point and 400lbs of storage. No need for electricity, beds, defenses, food, etc, since there’s

Same, except I have no friends, so I'm rocking it solo. 

Played 7 hours straight today after work. Enjoyed the crap out of it, never witnessed any griefing. Or any pvp at all. Mostly, people would jump in and help one another to clear a site, then wander off doing whatever quest or exploring they were up to. 

By my math, an initial 1k, plus 2k per year for 18 years, you’d need about 3.3% interest to hit 50k. Not too unreasonable.

Not marginal at all. Only 2% of the population get false positives, but only 5% get true positives. We know she guy a positive result, but not which. So there’s about a 28% chance it’s false (2/ (2+5)).

I never claimed it was an exact math. It’s a rough probabilistic estimate, just to support the idea the OP brought up that after some number of generations, you’ll likely have ancestors with whom you share no distinct genetic material. No idea how you’re bringing politics into that. It was just an interesting

I didn’t explain well, but I made a small jump there. About 99.9% of human DNA is common to all humans, according to whatever source I googled. So I multiplied the 0.03125 of your total DNA from one fifth generation ancestor by the 0.001 of your total DNA that is actually distinguishable from any other human on Earth.

That makes some sense. If you figure you get about 50% DNA from each parent, then that’s 25% for grandparents, 12.5% for third generation, 6.25% for fourth, 3.125% for fifth. Now figure that 99.9% of your DNA is common to all humans, and only 0.003125% of your DNA is uniquely from a specific fifth generation ancestor.

Took me a few years, but I finally beat that level. Was a bit rough, but I’m hoping the skills and xp I gained along the way will help with the stage I’m starting now: married life. Going to be spending the weekend laying the groundwork for a pretty important side-quest, spouse’s immigration.

I used all plastic utensils when I lived in a place with no dishwasher. Washing silverware by hand just wasn’t worth my time. Went back to metal when I got a place with a dishwasher. I live with myself just fine. I also didn’t recycle in that place, because the landlord didn’t provide a recycle bin and I wasn’t going

Meanwhile, here in NJ’s 2nd district, we’re stuck with Van Drew, who’s as red as a Dem can get, because that’s who the party chose, because our district is ‘conservative’. Nevermind that it’s a pretty diverse area and there’s a lot of untapped progressive potential, let’s try to swing a few conservatives by being

Man, this comment brings me back to the good old days of Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. Must be over 15 years ago now. It had keys to lean left or right, which bent your character at the hip about 45° almost instantly. So, rapidly leaning back and forth made your head am almost impossible target whipping back and

Hmm, but you can’t really prorate those employees’ salaries to individual incidents. Presumably, they’d still have their jobs even if there were a handful more/fewer incidents any given timeframe. Especially with govt, it’d probably take a huge decrease in workload before downsizing the number of paper-pushers on

Not sure if DR is correct. Depends if a ‘tourist card’ counts as a visa. Was just there six months ago, and you have to pay $10 for a tourist visa when you arrive, which is good for 30 days. Then they have a series of fines charged when you leave if you overstay the 30 days. About $51 for 30-90 days, twice that for up

I feel like this is one of those things where either you have good management, in which case you don’t really need this, or you have shitty management, in which case this doesn’t help much. Like, I could see some dick manager giving employees shit every time they come forward with one of these color codes. “Are you

He was cursed at 11, and it’s broken 10 years later, so yeah, 21 works out.

This a what came to my mind. I played in 2000, and they had that. It would warp your vision, sort of like tunnel vision, iirc, and also randomly jerked you left and right randomly, even while standing still. That motion was kind of teleporty, so I found there were places where heavy drinking was fatal due to having

Perhaps a better comparison would be the move from manual to automatic transmission. At first, they were less efficient, so the only real benefit was that it was easier to drive. Some people switched, some didn’t, more new drivers went with automatics, and over time the technology became more efficient. Now, very few