Bryon (nerd)

This is why I prefer percentiles. It’s harder to game them. Either you’re a 0.1% player or you’re a scrub. ;)

Huh. I guess this is like the equivalent of the scams targeting men with ‘penis enhancement’ and such. You would think nobody would be dumb enough to fall for it, but then, I guess as long as the dumbest and/or most desperate 1% or 0.1% of the population goes for it, that’s still enough to keep them in business.

Yeah, that’s the part that scares me. How would you even enforce this? It’s relatively easy to prove if he gets paid for it, you can trace the money. I’d be more comfortable if they could order him to destroy the material, but that would still be difficult to enforce. If it shows up on some porn site, can you prove

I’m not sure how well the current iterations do this, but there’s no need to rely solely on GPS, if at all. As long as the car knows where it is and which way it is facing, should be able to navigate using just map data and the sensors it uses to drive. If it knows from the map that it has to go straight through two

I’d vote for Zuck. Why not? He’s probably a dick with his own agendas, but so is every career politician. And at least he’s talking up progressive ideas, which is more than can be said for pretty much anyone else. And being a household name seems to be a plus when it comes to turning out the attention of the masses.

That seems incredibly optimistic. Seems much more likely that if the Dems pushed right and a new left Progressive party emerged, the Dems would fail to pick up enough voters from the Reps to offset their losses to the Progressives, and we’d just have a Rep dominated government until the Dems or Progressives caved and

There were about 200mil registered to vote in 2016 vs about 146mil registered to vote in 2012, unless the sources I’m finding are way off. So, I would expect a pretty huge bump in actual votes cast, if the candidates were worthwhile. That makes it much easier to believe that both candidates just picked up a terrible

Quite the contrary. Please move to South Jersey, we need more sane people to come in and tip the balance against the pineys. And if you don’t go out an associate with them, it’s actually quite a nice place to live.

Bartley says that state troopers have been looking for her to no avail.

“If I can get the equivalent of $10 per hour from the government by not working, do you think I would look for or accept a job that pays $9 an hour? Heck, no!”

Amusing thought. But something adapted for high gravity might end up being less man of steel, more deep sea creature. And it probably wouldn’t handle low grav very well, it would be less super strong, more overinflated balloon.

We would be crushed by that kind of gravity, but it’s still interesting if you’re looking for local life, which would have adapted differently to be able to handle it.

“United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz has apologized, saying that watching the video made him feel “shame” ”

Thanks. I was thinking maybe it would be fun in a code golf way. Or maybe I’ll get it and use it to demonstrate basics of programming to the gf.

I’m curious, do you think it would be fun for someone who already writes software for a living? Like, are there interesting puzzles/challenges to solve? Thought about getting it, but not worth it if I can just breeze through in an hour.

What does the ‘chemicals’ score measure and how does it measure it?

What does the ‘chemicals’ score measure and how does it measure it?

How long before they are using the same threat for ‘sexual favors’ (excuse the euphemism for rape).

I haven’t enjoyed any modern/future shooters as much as the old WWII ones, ending with WaW. The main thing for me, I think, is spawning. I don’t think any CoD since WaW had game modes/maps with fixed sides. Shortly after the game starts, enemies can be pretty much anywhere on the map, so everyone has to be prepared

This. Having a normal name with a ‘unique’ spelling is just a pain in the ass with very little benefit. Look at my name above. Now tell me whether you read it as Bryon (correct, pronounced like Brian) or your brain naturally transposed it to the more common Byron (incorrect). I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had

Yeah, I’m at around 117 shrines, and that was the only one I looked up before completing it. I put partial blame in the fact that there was a fog/cloudy effect in the room that made seeing that far wall difficult.