An awesome movie, everyone needs to see
An awesome movie, everyone needs to see
Owning is a myth? Not if I have the PHYSICAL copy
BUT it's free and Pokemon :)
It is NOT Spring here in Boston LOL
LOVE my GustBuster
LOVE my GustBuster
Thank you very much for this. I thought I was one of the few, maybe I am, who gets seriously down on Sundays, especially Sunday night. Weekends go by so fast and then work the next morning is a killer.
Running a marathon wreaks havoc on your body, please be aware of this.
This is a good method but personally I find tossing my salad in a big bowl does the job pretty well.
I think I speak for many when I say - FUCK THAT
I'm of the mantra that washing jeans makes them better. I've had some jeans for YEARS that after multiple washes they feel amazing. These are Gap and Old Navy jeans. I had a pair of Levi 501s that I wore the living hell out of, washed so many times, they felt like flannel pajama pants they were SO comfortable.
EOS are my favorite. Only problem is, as a guy, putting them in my pants pocket sucks LOL.
EOS are my favorite. Only problem is, as a guy, putting them in my pants pocket sucks LOL.
FINALLY I low priced steel french press! Thank you!
FINALLY I low priced steel french press! Thank you!
My preferred way is a little butter, LOW heat, lightly folding and not overcooking them. Add lots of pepper and a little salt when done. Delicious.
End of February I recently had a traumatic occurrence in my life. I haven't slept a solid night since then. It's been horrible. I'm hoping this helps.
Brick wrapped in tin foil is a great way. You def just want a heavy object to press down on the meat while it cooks.
Are you guys paid by some of these manufacturers? Just last week you said some other Otto was the best dash mount with a crazy suction.
Are you guys paid by some of these manufacturers? Just last week you said some other Otto was the best dash mount…
How much are they?
No extra X100 batteries?
If you can't see the difference then you need new eyes. Wow the PS4 version looks much better.