
I haven't vomited forth that rich people are evil, either. I'm not sure what you want me to admit. Nowhere did I even imply that trans-acceptance isn't something that needs to happen. I'm just saying there's more to this particular story than just that, and that Barney's isn't exactly motivated out of altruism. It is

Perhaps you should realize that what an article and campaign purports to be about is not all it's really about.

an asshole

Thank you for a reasonable reply. I don't have the answers either, and it is complicated, though I do think that stores specializing in luxury goods (especially ones that nobody needs and only justify their price by allowing people to prove they could buy them) are a part of the problem. It all becomes status-based

I'm discussing an issue that does affect women, hugely, as it affects most everyone. Though I will concede that maybe I don't fully grasp the parameters of this social justice/celeb gossip site. Racism doesn't specifically affect only women either, but Jezebel has been making better strides to discuss it, albeit in a

Yes, capitalism and extreme wealth disparity has done nothing wrong.

A lot of buzz words there. My issue is that it ultimately doesn't mean much that people who are both transgendered and fit into the 1% are reflected in a Barney's campaign, though, yes, as far as media representation goes, it's nice its out there. We still shouldn't lose sight of what's being sold and to whom (super

For me, it does. It's an incredibly exclusive store, one of the most exclusive in America, now projecting a campaign image of something else. Nice try, but not in this era.

Cool. But it's Barneys, so it's still a very exclusive campaign targeting the privileged. Doesn't this site care about class-divide?

If someone isn't interested in you romantically, it's within your rights to not be interested in them as a friend. Talk about entitled.

Correct. The term "friend zone" has been co-opted and redefined on certain websites. It's a perfectly valid term for liking someone without reciprocation, while continuing to maintain a friendship with those same feelings for them. The most appalling attitudes expressed by AN EXTREME MINORITY on dark corners of the

I do feel this site has a real blind spot toward seeing class issues as a major source of oppression. We're all scum to the 1%.

Correlation of intelligence and Scarface fandom...

Stupid - Scarface is great!
Average intelligence - Scarface is great!
Smart - Scarface is overrated, sloppily made junk for wannabe gangsters.
Really smart - Scarface is great!