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they should ditch the mag and bring back the tv show.

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track 2, dumb and dumber soundtrack, that's all.

or she just has an copywriter, publicist or editor.

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i already lived out my bank robbing fantasies in 1990.

really, no planes from 1942 ?

the gawker journalism school: "you do all of the hard work, and we'll repost it."

try 10th.

.99¢ my ass.

it's a schooner!

i say let's blow up mount rushmore and rebrand all of the u.s. money because of some of the people honored, owned slaves. while we're at it, lets end presidents day because some of them lead us into wars that killed million/billions of innocent people and they also owned slaves. and i say everyone should return

logan hardware in chicago has one.


oh, wait.