
when I find out a white actress got ruined, then I stop watching her. it means she is on the downside of her career anyway if she’s willing to do THAT.

I am not down with black guys banging white girls.

you guys know she is a porn star right? 

inform your’s life skills 101

Of course it was an inside job. It was staged for ratings.

It is incredibly immature as was the trip to Miami.

He should NOT be rewarded by getting paid millions to play a game.

yes they did.

It seems fake because it is.

Why would it upset her?

Kind of hard for a guy with a black wife to be racist.


You know they ask for the attention ALL THE TIME, right?

you got to support the admin. if you want to survive.

Great, they are breeding......

FAU ain’t falling up


bet they used to fuck when she was at the paper.

she lost me once she got fat...............

blood stained panties?