Detective Brenda Lee Johnson

Haha I hear ya, expect I’m a tricky trickster who’s stealing a reference from a reference:

This is my same argument for all the live tv musicals they’ve been doing. You have ALLLLL of broadway to choose from. You can’t argue that you chose Breslin for her big name draw,, so what’s the excuse for choosing her. If tv insists on doing live musicals or remaking shit like this, get actual

Thanks for being the brave soul that spoke up first. You are the light.

I’m back and forth. She released a song calling out Taylor, no matter what she says, and then IMMEDIATELY says ‘oh let’s make up.’ Now Taylor has no choice but to let Katy have the last word on the argument because if she releases another song/statement about it now that says anything but ‘yes, let’s make up’ her

I think the thing that bothers me the most (not that my opinion matters at all) is where/when she chooses to be revealing. There are a bunch of photos of her at Disney recently wearing...not much. I’m all for dressing how you want and F the haters and all that but there are some places that maybe chill with it a bit?

This is the weird part to me, and I don’t know why I’m stuck on it. I mean, unless he snuck in at the end, but I just have this weird picture of him sitting there, watching these kids and families enjoying their night, before going through with it. It’s super unsettling.

Right? When I first heard the song and didn’t really pay attention to the lyrics, I thought it was a “I’m not like most girls” song and rolled my eyes. When I realized it was the opposite, my cold lil heart actually smiled a bit. I still don’t like the song, but I will now not hate on it, which I know Hailee was

OMG she hadn’t done Miley in forever and she was so good at it. And yes, the porn stars. So much gold.

I think Hicks is mad that Daughtry has way more hit songs than he does (which isn’t hard to do). I vaguely remember when Daughtry got kicked off the theory was because a lot of people assumed he would win so they didn’t vote for him...or something like that. But seriously Hicks, no one even remembers you won, and even

Don’t you know that’s how Taylor does things though? She NEVER directly responds, it’s always one of her group that does. Then she can claim she had nothing to do with it and stay all sweet and pure.

I mean, that’s what all my feuds are about. Lol

Thank god I’m not the only one who loves AE’s jeans. The only way I can buy them is online because anytime I try to go into the store I just end up feeling OLD. But seriously, they’re the best and I don’t feel like I’m breaking the bank whenever I get them.

I’ve thought this for weeks and even though I hate Pence, I’m constantly annoyed with him for not wanting to be president badly enough to do this. I’ve given up on him caring about the country so now I actually am rooting for him to be a little more sinister I guess? I dunno, I”m in a weird place. Haha.

My favorite moment from this Saturday’s SNL was in the opening where they had Lester Holt interviewing Trump and Trump admitted to something and Lester just looks at the camera and goes, “Wait, did I get him? Is that it? Are we done? What? None of this matters? Oh, ok.” and just continues with the interview. I feel

The list is...long. But here are some of my favorites: Lip Gloss by Lil Mama, Girlfriend Remix by Avril & Lil Mama (truly a gem), L-O-V-E by Ashlee Simpson, #Selfie by The Chainsmokers, See You Again by Miley Cyrus, and Your Love is My Drug by Kesha.

My favorite is to say “OMG” and do a little squee while turning it up to just below eardrum splitting level. If there’s a really great part to clap (slightly off beat) to, I’ll add that depending on my level of hatred to the person.

I left southern VA three years ago for CA and omg do I never want to go back. Even visiting family is rough because of shit like this. My entire life I grew up listening to the “it’s not hatred, it’s heritage” bs and watching Bubbas have meltdowns over the flag and various statues if anyone dared to suggest we not

I love celeb conspiracy theories so much. They’re always batshit and there’s always a handful of fans that get WAY too invested in it. This one’s always been a favorite because someone clearly thinks that her artistic footprint is important enough to warrant a clone. Yes, where would we all be if she had died before

Full disclosure: I have a playlist titled “The most annoying songs ever” and this is on it. I listen to it when I actively want to annoy the hell out of someone sitting near/riding in the car with me.

Ugh, I’ve missed most of this season because I can’t find anywhere that streams it. I’m not home on Friday nights to watch it live and it’s not on Hulu/Netflix or Logo/VH1's sites without a paid TV subscription (which I don’t have). Is there anywhere a person without a TV provider can watch? It all used to be on Hulu,