Much Loved Boy Lilith from Canc

that's what happens from having had a sex negative culture for so long. Really as an insult "get fucked" kind of means "get raped," so I've always tried not to use it no matter who is being talked about.

lol, yeah left out an important word.

This is the column that I most associate with the best of the AVC community, and definitely the one where the commenters have most impacted my own journey to self-acceptance.

second Aranaktu's hope that we continue to see you around. Preferably on the Avocado, but really anywhere.

I would've loved it if my parents responded to my coming out by asking honest questions. I understand that the minority doesn't have the "duty" to educate the majority class, but it seems short-sighted to not want to.


He's suffered enough!

Gattica! Gattica!

If true, it is still a frightening thought that people in hollywood don't recognize the inherent power imbalance of age and power that Polanski would have had over a 13 year old. 13 year olds are very impressionable. It's not hard to talk a 13 year old into some pretty fvcked up shit. The drugging makes it a clear

what does the quality of his movies have to do with any of this? I think you may need to rethink what it means to separate art from artist.

Polanski could have saved her all of this by not running from justice. Let's not reward him for running out the clock. He's the one who has caused her this.


Adam is simply recognizing that Milo going down has left an unfilled niche in the market.

The sun is made of cheese.

If I've bought a game once, I feel no guilt at downloading a ROM of it to play in RetroArch.

First, what an original comment.

This article is just sick. I don't know much about the woman, but it's a dude telling a woman she isn't womaning right.

You took a wrong turn at Albuquerque?

you sure Trumped us.