What’s ridiculous is that each and every one of these things is implying causation, but no causation is shown. There’s correlation, but not causation.
What’s ridiculous is that each and every one of these things is implying causation, but no causation is shown. There’s correlation, but not causation.
I did some real psychological research on this stuff, a few years ago. I didn’t get the funding necessary to do a true statistical sampling (it was for the completion of a degree, not bona-fide research) but I found something interesting: when a person accepts one conspiracy theory, they seem to accept them all, on a…
So shooting 49 people is reprehensible, but trampling 244 is to be expected? There’s nothing that could’ve been done, so that the next year 345 wouldn’t have been killed?
Why are these deaths dealt with so matter-of-factly?
I’m interested purely for the convenience of remote control.
I’m interested purely for the convenience of remote control.
Are you arguing this is about home fashion, and not function?
Are you arguing this is about home fashion, and not function?
Thanks for the feedback.
Thanks for the feedback.
I just can’t bring myself to spend $200 on a thermostat. The magic price point for me seems to be about $100. In my home, we’d need two.
I just can’t bring myself to spend $200 on a thermostat. The magic price point for me seems to be about $100. In my…
So much racial hate!
My point was that it’s not the swearing that is offensive; it’s the lack of professionalism. I’m not afraid of a four-letter word, as you can see. But four-letter words have their place, and that place doesn’t include professional writing.
So what about all those studies that suggest people who curse a lot are actually more intelligent? Laziness then right?
Are the F-bombs really necessary?
I lived in Elgin, IL for a while. It was miserable. The worst part was the cold, but the second worst part is that there was a Dairy Queen right next to the Fox River, and in the only months that it was warm enough to get ice cream, these nasty bugs were everywhere!
Not that I stopped eating at the DQ, but I mean,…
I’m lost. If the mattress doesn’t leak, why does it continue to need more air?
I’m lost. If the mattress doesn’t leak, why does it continue to need more air?
This is an issue with all things like this. dont open all the damn drawers.
Blame Chrysler and the shifter all you like, but the real danger here is brick mailboxes.
I’ve said repeatedly that this movie will suck. Now I can say it will suck balls.
Brilliant idea, but also problematic.
Okay, now Paul Feig has ruined both Ghostbusters AND Charlie’s Angels! Aaaargh!
On one hand, I’m completely impressed with what the human body can do, and what the minds of people can concoct for the human body to do.