
On the off chance that Trump is elected, these types of people — people who understand nothing about our Republican Democracy and the process of elections — will riot. I guarantee it. The worst thing we as a nation have done to education is eliminate Civics classes, where the ideas of the Founding Fathers are taught.

They weren’t the ones who first mentioned religion or religious books here. So, not only are you incorrect, but your fake outrage is amusing. Now had they randomly posted something about religion on a post about Spotify, I’d understand your frustration.

Impressive. You’re a much bigger ass than you even pretended to be.

Also, making assumptions about someone is also a dick move. So congrats on that too.

I can’t ... I can’t ... I can’t ...

Worships sky wizard

Under audio books, science fiction.

All this really shows is that you have no conservative friends, or you don’t use Facebook. This version of this meme has been circulating for days. Everyone with a conservative friend saw this long ago.

This is the most dangerous kind of Christian.

I’m an irritable dad, but I do not have a law degree. I like to argue though, so that’s something.

This kind of stuff bothers me in a free America.

I loved this car. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on one. I was saving my money to buy one when it came out ...

Not a misdiagnosis, just abject stupidity.

You’re absolutely correct about this in every way.

And yet in 2016, Word still can’t handle bullets any better than it did in ‘97.

I have to say, in full disclosure, that I can’t stand Hillary Clinton. I dislike her policies. I dislike her history. I dislike her attitude. I dislike the constant, unrelenting, consistent problems she has with living her life, professionally and politically, within the law.

Every time I read anything about this, I want to vomit.

Correct. New Yorkers are neither happy nor lovable.

the attendant smirked and remarked that there were dogs on every flight,

The “Too Long, Didn’t Read” version: