Wow. I'm picturing a VERY interesting commute between Neanderthal and the present.
Wow. I'm picturing a VERY interesting commute between Neanderthal and the present.
I used to be the front desk girl. If it wasn't for front desk girls, nothing would ever get done...
He’s 26.
I somehow read this as “get your social media pants back on” 😬
As long as it doesn't interfere with the gag, sure!
I know SFF cons have made progress with policies about harassment, sexual and otherwise. Maybe the political conventions could learn something from them.
Don't bother arguing; this is a sock puppet of the tomato troll. They aren't even really Canadian.
She didn't have to try, it came natural!
Gross, gross, gross!
I had a huge crush on him a couple of decades ago. It is my secret shame.
I wonder who they cast.
I think they already did it before they told him. Awkward.
I don’t think considering it a very hard job = considering it a burden, by any means!
I'm sure Diego matched her affair for affair.
St. Pete? 😊
Yeah, I’m sure that was Michael’s choice.
I hate when the tag on my towel scratches my face, these things would be a nightmare!
Yikes. I hope she has the personal strength to live her life on her own desires, not what her mother thinks is correct.
This article seems to miss what is for me the main point - it’s always, always, CONSTANTLY, “is she pregnant?” It's as if the world will end unless she gives birth. WHY?