
It sounds like she needs real treatment from someone who specializes in this kind of problem, not stupid court-ordered therapy for tax evasion. Her life could be a lot better.

I figured out fairly recently that, because I can't judge how long anything takes, I’m always going be either late or early. I'm making it early. Sometimes I have an extra half hour sitting in the parking lot playing with my phone, which is sort of a bonus.

I got great advice in an ADHD support group, at least for running late for dinner/lunch/etc. Tell your friends you’re trying to work on your chronic lateness, and from now on if you’re more than 15 minutes late, they should order appetizers - on you. :-)

And he died at age 46...

Check this out:

And does it mean they're going to do SEQUELS?

I love lima beans. Yet another symptom of my being weird.

I saw it with my friend the vet, and even though I know better I HAD to ask her afterwards if that was a real disease...

My theory with the guys and all the dead people: they were in SHOCK! Didn’t you see the shock blanket? :-)

Little? They can weigh up to 175 pounds!

Big Cat Rescue are amazing.

I watched. YIKES. That's scary.

Eating like that qualifies as an eating disorder.

I don't think more than 3 or 4 would fit in me, and I'm fat!

But how do they FIT INSIDE? I mean, the human stomach has a capacity.

But... They ALWAYS do!!!

I suspect being remarkably attractive wouldn’t hurt a new male author, either.

This is a real middle-school level prank. Sorry it happened to you.

Also known as right-to-fire.