
Without making comment on anything else in your post: no, Tambor is not saying that the victims need to speak directly to him about their grievances. He’s claiming that neither he, nor Amazon, have been told what specific action(s) caused these claims. That’s quite distinct from claiming he wants the victims to talk

Those nondescript Lexus 4 doors exemplify dull - but with a hideous grille to spice it up. :p

His feet never moved. He never became a runner. How do you become a runner when there was no running whatsoever involved.

In order to fumble, one has to have become a runner. If he had become a runner, the play would have been a touchdown. It was not, ergo it was ruled he was not a runner, ergo he did not “complete the catch,” ergo it would not have been a fumble.

These posts are getting old. “Man parks collection of fire trucks in front of house” “man parks airplane in driveway”. Can we stop defending these people? They are any eyesore, and they make the neighborhood look like a circus, which hurts house prices. What’s so wrong with neighbors trying to maintain their house

Since it’s in Miami I would think you steal it, put it in a shipping container and then sell it somewhere halfway around the world.

The first time I drove one (and it wasn’t even an S) this is what happened:

Exactly, also I know I’m a dick but I kind of like watching people in suits get hurt.

Yes, definitely.

I’m all for this, otherwise you always end up with a amateur-wrenching-enthusiast that decides to improvise himself as a crown vic salvaging entrepreneur, disfiguring the neighborhood by hoarding beaters in his parents driveway.

I see your POV, and on one level I agree.

“best looking car in the segment”

Take all the time you need.

As someone who came of age in 1980s that car was cooler much cooler than a Camaro. Of course the coolest Trans Am was the 1989 GTA Turbo with the Grand National Engine

Everybody, when a cop stops you. listen to his directions, give him the documents he wants, be polite, THEN SHUT UP. Tell him you will talk to your counsel and let it be. Everything you say can hurt your case. Deal with it later, before the magistrate.

Huh. I read it completely differently. I read it as don’t let someone bully you into doing something you aren’t sure about. If you want to say no to the D, then for gosh sakes, say no.

My God, this looks _terrible_. I mean, sometimes good movies have awful trailers but usually they try to prune through the movie and put some of the best parts in. If this is all they could find then we’re in for a painful 2 hours.

Grasping for straws, anyone that listens to his podcast regularly knows Joe Rogan is not a racist.

Who the fuck is asking Jeremy Renner’s opinion on anything?