
The funny thing is, if you want to get on Cam for collegiate indiscretions, there’s one that actually reflects somewhat poorly on his character: he only was only at this junior college because he managed to get kicked off the Florida team for stealing a laptop.

I don’t watch much football and I don’t really know much about it but I’ve watched that video of Cam hitting the dab in the other dude’s face like 100 times.

Well this thread took an odd turn.

Russell Wilson is a fucking lame.

Remember, the real villain is the kid who takes a couple grand, not the coach and school who make millions off that kid’s labor.

What the hell is a “white wide receiver?”

Ah yes. Russell Wilson. The perfect black man for the white fan.

They did WHAT?!?!?

You’re right, it’s not about race, it’s about knowing your place. Wilson knows his place. Cam clearly doesn’t. Just ‘cause he’s a rich, talented athlete leading a team to a currently perfect 8-1 record, doesn’t mean he can act out and step out of (society’s) bounds.

No way, I also have a girlfriend in Canada. Her name is.....Beth Android Phone.

Yes, I agree . Everyone’s being niggardly in its use.

Some folks LOVE talking down to Negroes. Some of them are black. It’s like a national pasttime. “I don’t know if you realize you’re a role model.” No trick, I can’t really hear house is too big for your words to reach.

Dad, I told you to lay off the sauce this early in the morning. Go sleep it off.

“See, dear, once you start to celebrate your accomplishments, you begin to get some brief moments of joy out of life. Much better to stuff all that down deep, and channel it into a miserable, cloistered existence where you can only validate your worth in comparison to how other people act. It's about time you learned

Not surprising that some would question Newton’s comprehension of the gravity of the situation.

-Crazy Nashville Mom

He plays the game the white way.

Whatever’s wrong with you, don’t get help for it.

When I take my family to a public sacrifice to appease the cruel god of the void, I really hate it when an acolyte of Ner’huul makes an extra flourish with his bone knife or, and gosh this is THE WORST, when the High Priest makes a big show of eating the heart of the spring virgin. It’s like, act like you’ve BEEN

If he were a better role model the Panthers would be 9-0, instead of the 8-1 they are now