What we need is an Ambush Bug movie to skewer the shared universe schemes.
What we need is an Ambush Bug movie to skewer the shared universe schemes.
The Autobots are superheroes dammit.
For a very long time, it was difficult to make a superhero movie that didn't look like crap - the special effects didn't exist.
no, it was The Reader better. and I say this as a German speaker who talked his way into an undergrad history class simulation of WWII as a Phd student in the Psychology department.
Sad fucking day when someone's gotta defend talking raccoons. res ipsa loquitur.
Mine's Weird Al. Everyone has done something with him. And E from Entourage. Also Plug Three from De La Soul.
I know. It deserved 4.
I had that job for a few months.
Palisades near or Orangeburg near?
i have been accused of lying, but it is true: i have never seen Top Gun. i have seen Iron Eagle, though. i imagine that there's a lot more jets doing cool stuff in Iron Eagle than Top Gun because there's no "relationship time" to get in the way.
snowballs is pretty good. is it racist? maybe. is that the worst thing you can say about him? definitely no.
Me being 12 made Iron Eagle totally watchable!!
I, for one, enjoyed Catwoman. It's no Sphere, but it's no Freejack neither.
we don't remember that happening.
What mafia ties? We're just a bunch of legitimate businessmen who enjoy our open collars whilst wearing our button-down shirts and jackets.
There are, and there always will be.
I will volunteer to accompany and pay for all meals for Natalie Portman and/or Julianne Moore.
this is like as awesome as when i first noticed that "god" spelled backwards is just "dog". and there he was, contentedly licking his balls about it.
fuck, we're all just rip offs of the big bang, reorganizing the bubbling space-cauldron of quarks, photons and other tasty particles it made so thoughtfully.