
Okay so why are you here? Is it just to poke at the corpse of something murdered by venture capitalists? There are plenty of other places to get car news if you don’t like any of the writers here.

Love Grom. Generally hate those douchebags who ride them. And there seems to be so fucking many of them.

Yeah they don’t do any of that here.

...laughable journalistic standards in place these days at Jalopnik.

Coming soon to a “Stolen! Have you seen this bike?” Facebook page near you.

You’ve got to stop letting AI write your headlines

More roundabouts. We need more roundabouts.

Cops are not a standard of driver I’d want to be compared to generally. They do whatever they want.

One was not an active threat to anyone, the other is a guy riding a vehicle that weighs a few hundred pounds at 30+ miles per hour on a path meant for pedestrians lol

I’m normally on the ACAB side, but I’m really struggling to be displeased with what the cop did here.

That’s definitely one of the reasons, but the other reason is probably that their cars are now 6+ years old and fucking old now interior or exterior wise.

The problem with EV charging is you have almost no idea how long it will take. Whereas with a gas station, your max filling time is probably 10 min. per car. But really closer to 5 min per car. If we were even at 20% new cars as EV sales, public charging would be an absolute nightmare.

IMO it does not make sense to buy an EV if you are planning to rely on a charging network for anything outside of the occasional longer trip. If it is your commuter car, you’d better have a 40Amp+ charger in your garage or dedicated parking space. Anything else and you’re better off with a PHEV, HEV, or just regular

Hyundai dealers gonna do what Hyundai dealers do. $68k is a lot of money for a Hyundai. $88k is Porsche money. For either amount, you can buy a used, very low mileage Porsche Taycan 4S of varying years that has taken the brunt of depreciation already.

I’m with the other commenters. You watch footage of Euro rallies where the spectators keep pushing and pushing to be within mere feet of the race cars whizzing past and yes, I’m surprised only four people were killed in this incident.

Trucks with flags.

We have a sexual perpetrator running for president. Cards are off the table now.

We’ve seen this fight already.

Dealerships don’t generally do repair work on components. They replace whole components.  It’s why they’re an entry level mechanic job.

Then you run into the issue of finding an indy shop who will touch an EV. Sure there are a few, and there will be more. But probably not for a long time.