
I agree but I’ve found some that had the opposite issue.  One scoop was about 1.25 servings.  The conspiracy theorist in me says that’s how they get you to use up the product faster.

It’s been my experience that all you have to do in sales is promise them anything they ask for regardless of whether you can deliver or not. Actually delivering on your promises is someone else’s problem.

I feel like that’s going to affect the prescription somehow.

Personally my thought for license plates is “the busier the better”. Anything that makes automatic license plate readers work harder or fail is a plus in my book.

The road is a place where people of all sorts channel their inner bully

Learn as you go with a comprehensive guide and you put together the hand-wound battery, suede leather straps, 44mm casing, and sapphire glass.

Learn as you go with a comprehensive guide and you put together the hand-wound battery, suede leather straps, 44mm

I second Mehphisto’s post. When we redid our kitchen we specifically added a spring loaded platform, built into a cabinet, so that we could keep the stand mixer out of sight but bring it out easily when needed. Best investment ever.

Yup. There’s a reason there aren’t many original cobras still on the road. Too many of them were wrapped around a tree.


Or he could just tip the micrometer instead of holding it straight up and down.

That rear fender, or lack thereof!  You’re gonna have a wet stripe straight up your back if the streets are even slightly damp.

See also

Bitcoin transactions don’t take a half hour....they can on exchanges, but not in direct wallet to wallet transactions. This is the fault of exchanges, not Bitcoin.

And also- if you are using the original Bitcoin, there is a limit to how many Bitcoins can be mined. Once that limit is reached, there can be no more mining and no more transactions.

Personally I hope they go back through his other youtube videos that haven’t passed the statute of limitations and total up ALL the violations.

It’s a jeep thing.  You wouldn’t understand.

those snot-filled germ factories full of little kids who wipe their noses with their hands.

Now playing

Don’t forget the claim by youtuber JGOD and others that the mac-10 blueprint “gallantry” did not suffer from the same nerf that the base mac-10 did. This blueprint is available via the battlepass, making it a “pay to win” situation.


Hermon Miller actually makes a gaming chair now as well called the Embody.

Hermon Miller actually makes a gaming chair now as well called the Embody.