bowl of hair

Abe is nuttier than peanut butter, but his hate of Bananas is great. When he calls him Jon, I laugh, cackle really. But Cara-Maria needs to leave him ASAP.

So I should read more books by women, especially women of color, I just shouldn’t talk about it or tell anyone I’m doing it, which would include encouraging others to do it.

That’s a bizarre definition of okay versus not. My nephew walked at 9 months while my daughter walked at 21 months. Surely the walking 9 month old needed it more than the sitting 20 month old.

Penis: sexual organ, primary function of reproduction and waste removal.

The breastfeeding in public debate is one of the silliest things I have ever encountered.

yes! I think you are right. it’s a cultural misunderstanding of the breast. biologically, breasts are primarily to feed babies; their sexual uses are secondary. and largely cultural! but we understand breasts as primarily sexual, and only optionally involved in feeding babies. so nursing a child is scandalous and


It’s normal and benefits the baby but also the woman doing the breastfeeding. Every month a woman can breastfeed she is significantly slashing her personal risk of developing breast cancer. The CDC strongly recommends breastfeeding as a protective and preventative measure against breast cancer. I’m always surprised

“People” don’t want to think about breast fulfilling their actual biological function, they only want to think of them as “fun bags” to quote Ms. Williams herself.

This is also coming from someone who has done one of those thirsty ass “I’d rather go naked than wear fur” PETA ads. No sense.

You misspelled 3-inch penis, dude.

Why would it be less normal than feeding the breastmilk of an entirely different species? Which is really what you’re doing when you switch to cow’s milk. (Obviously not criticizing kids who drink cows milk - just saying what we “normally” do is also kind of weird)


I’m glad she at least swallows since I feel you shouldn’t reproduce.

A baby isn’t eating a nutritious meal from your dick.

The problem with that, is some kids walk early. My daughter walked at 8 months and my two boys walked at 9 months. I am not going to buy formula just because they start walking.

Like I mean... *this* is the post to make a post about women lying about rape... and someone promoted it?? ಠ_ಠ I’ve been pulling people out of the greys on the other thread that disagree with me, as long as they’re respectful/not sexist jerks, cause I think a lot of great comments get lost in the grey. You should lose

Since I can’t even with this fucking Kratz guy, all I will say is-he has the most Wisconsin face ever.

Oh creepy-voiced Ken, when I watched the episode in which your misogynistic and abusive behavior reduced your prosecutorial career to a tiny pile of shit, the schadenfreude

I don’t think most people who watched the series think Steven Avery is an upstanding human. Dude obviously was a creep and had some boundary issues with women. That doesn’t mean I’m okay with him being convicted for a crime it’s unclear if he committed.