bourkie bork

Possibly even more effectively with the added weight on his hip.

What do guns have to do with this story? Or are you just looking to stir up a gun debate any chance you get?

Someone hold me back!

Ford trucks are number 1!

Now playing

We all know that could only be accomplished by Commander Bond


I don’t have any questions.

“when I was 3" “2004 ish Ford Explorer”

Now playing

I was thinking of this one, which is probably the OG of stupid internet car selling videos. ex...

I’m from Australia and owned a Falcon Ute, now living in San Diego and driving a Ford F150. The Falcon handled better, that’s about it.

This is starting to feel like a trap.

God forbid we have an Equinox shortage. What would we do?

Additional wind drag, yo. Also, air conditioning loss, especially here in the armpit of The South.

Perfect for commuting on the 401 thought Toronto during rush hour.

Unbelievable. She saw him backing up and still cut him off!

You argument is invalidated by it needing a winch to pull itself down hill

This seems like as good a place as any to remind people that a Vickers gun once fired 5 million rounds without breaking down. It took 7 days.

Trim the fenders and fit 38s.