
I read that he was being held on charges of “killing” because it hadn’t been determined yet if it was a manslaughter situation or murder.

She doesn’t look 36.

Why does “comfortable” mean “gym clothes” to you?

Knowing what we know about the depths of men’s depravity, I feel comfortable assuming this dude’s fascination with self-built submarines was an intricate part of his woman-killing-and-getting-away-with-it-plans.

“Would you like a side of terrible music with your violent psychopathic tendencies?”

Ronson is a solid producer. That should be an interesting album!

In fairness to Brad, the designer sounds like a piece of work too.

Mitsubishi.....brand enthusiast???

Why am I a giant douche for pointing out that both halves of a family corporation/married couple are financially responsible for choice they make?

Interesting argument. If he “destroyed that chateau” that seems to support Pitt’s defense attorney saying the ideas were his, not the designer’s.

legal documents show how Pitt and Jolie fell in love with the Château Miraval, near Aix-en-Provence, after spotting it from a helicopter while flying over the region.

You can tar and feather the restaurant group owner but you’ll have to pry my Claim Jumper Chopped BBQ Chicken Salad from my cold, dead, hands.

Could these towel charms not be plastic? It could be a simple flat plastic disc that pokes through and connects to another flat plastic disc on the other side, sort of like a clothing anti-theft tag.

Besides the completely unnecessary nature of towel charms to begin with, this seems like serious ouch waiting to happen.

Better but I still disagree, water quality is like 10th on any ranked list of issues preventing these animals from being healthy.

Thought the headline said “crotch cams”. As in, like a dash cam for your crotch so if you get groped like Taylor Swift you have video proof.

I feel like I already know the answer to this question, but I’m really confused how only one half of a married couple is responsible for the couple’s bills.

Just keeping the water fresh and clean is quite beyond the capacity and technology we have right now

It doesn’t matter if it’s publicly traded or not, there are already investors who expect certain metrics to be met, same thing as stock price.